Theory of Change Podcast With Matthew Sheffield
Theory of Change Podcast With Matthew Sheffield
So This Just Happened #008: Doja Cat and toxic narratives

So This Just Happened #008: Doja Cat and toxic narratives

How people lie to themselves about sex and race

Episode Topics

00:00 — People are taught by society their personal self-worth is at least partially a function of their relationship status or how much sex they’re having. It’s a toxic narrative that manifests in many different ways.

07:43 — Rapper Doja Cat provoked her fans by wearing a shirt of a neo-Nazi, after she earlier had been demonstrated to have used racial slurs and alt-right memes. But she’s not alone in being a non-white young person who flirts with racists.

23:52 — How violence, terrorism, and oppression in Israel are dividing the American left

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Theme song

Easy Lover: “The End of Our Deceit

Lyrics and Vocals by Kali Holloway

Music by Jeremy Wimmer

Theory of Change Podcast With Matthew Sheffield
Theory of Change Podcast With Matthew Sheffield
Lots of people want to change the world. But how does change happen? History is filled with stories of people and institutions that spent big and devoted many resources to effect change but have little to show for it. By contrast, many societal developments have happened without forethought from anyone. And of course, change can be negative as well as positive.
In each episode of this weekly program, Theory of Change host Matthew Sheffield delves deep with guests to discuss larger trends in politics, religion, media, and technology.