Theory of Change Podcast With Matthew Sheffield
Theory of Change Podcast With Matthew Sheffield
So This Just Happened #002: Personal insecurity and political extremism

So This Just Happened #002: Personal insecurity and political extremism

So much of the political and religious extremism that is currently plaguing the United States and many other countries likely derives from personal psychological trauma. 

Matt and Kali kick off a multi-faceted discussion of this topic talking about Lady MAGA, a pro-Trump drag queen who had to abandon her profession after Republicans decided to create a nationwide trans panic.


01:51 -- Obergefell v. Hodges and the conservative bifurcation of queer equality movement

06:49 -- Why intersectionality matters and one way of explaining it to others

12:02 -- How the right manipulates sexually frustrated straight men

15:41 -- How some people use "affirmative action" as an excuse for personal setbacks

22:17 -- The importance of positivity in the fight against injustice

27:31 -- How the far right seeks to create center-to-left discouragement

31:58 -- A note about our theme music

33:59 -- Drag and transgender people have always been part of Western culture

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Theory of Change Podcast With Matthew Sheffield
Theory of Change Podcast With Matthew Sheffield
Lots of people want to change the world. But how does change happen? History is filled with stories of people and institutions that spent big and devoted many resources to effect change but have little to show for it. By contrast, many societal developments have happened without forethought from anyone. And of course, change can be negative as well as positive.
In each episode of this weekly program, Theory of Change host Matthew Sheffield delves deep with guests to discuss larger trends in politics, religion, media, and technology.